Diesis participated and was actively involved in the organisation of Luci sul Lavoro, the Italian Festival focused on employment and work integration that takes place each year in Montepulciano. Luci sul lavoro is a festival that gathers public and private Italian, European and international institutions, associations, trades unions and citizens interested in these topics. Diesis participated in several events, sessions and activities of the festival, hosted two sessions and was invited to speak in others.

The first day of the festival, Thursday the 12th of July, Diesis hosted the session called “Storie in cammino” (Walking stories) at 6 pm. The session had the purpose to showcase first-hand experiences of migrant integration through work and employment. Migrants who now live and work in Italy, as well as associations and trade unions,  shared with us their experiences. Representatives of Consorzio Meuccio Ruini, Cisl Latina, UIL, PICUM, EKA, Cooperativa Tangram, Cooperativa Insieme, ALDA and the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies spoke on stage. For Diesis, it was also the opportunity to share some of our projects focused on migration: EMEN, MAX and New Talents 4 EU.

The following day, Diesis hosted, in the framework of the IN4BTE project, a workshop on workers buy-out entitles “Workers-buy out: esperienze e segreti” (Workers buy-out: experiences and secrets).  Representatives from several stakeholders – social economy players, trade unions, government – gave valuable insights into workers’ buyout processes.

Finally, Diesis was also invited to present the EMEN project during the session “Work and legality: examples of integration and democratic mobilisation” (Lavoro e legalità, esempi di integrazione e mobilitazione democratica), organised by the EMEN’s partner ALDA.