
Training for Sustainable Food Systems Development (2017-2019)

T4F -Training for Sustainable Food Systems Development, aimed to develop a professional training based on the development of “green skills” in the food sector, in order to increase the number of jobs linked with an ecological, sustainable and inclusive transition.  

In regard to the necessity of including the environmental and sustainable dimensions in the European issues of growth, training and employment, T4F project partners developed a toolkit for (future) professionals in the food sector composed of a training manual and a toolbox. 

Training tools are addressed to workers or VET-students, who are part of the food chain management, who intend to develop an expertise in implementing and promoting food value chains in their own working sectors, according with their professional specificities. 


  • Implementation of sustainable food systems 
  • Skills enhancement and job creation 
  • Replicable outputs and transnational cooperation 

For more information, please visit: 


T4Food project is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme Action Grant (2017-1-BE01-KA202-024765)