In the second week of May, we were joined by our member Public to visit social enterprises and organisations promoting job carving and job crafting methodologies in Belgium. In these five days, we had the opportunity to visit CFVE in Liege, IDiverso in Turhout, Actiris – the public employment service of the Brussels region, the Mission Locale d’Ixelles and Mooi Werk Makers. The experience and expertise we gathered will be serve as good practices to define clear guidelines, tools, and methodologies to promote job crafting and job carving in North Macedonia, facilitating the inclusion in the job market of vulnerable groups.

The D&I@JOBS project aims to gather and exchange job carving/crafting knowledge and practices as a work (re)integration approach, to support the inclusion of vulnerable groups, via strengthening their employment pathways and build the capacity of enterprises to serve as exemplary inclusive employers.