The Association for Social Cooperatives (SNRSS) was established in 2003 in Poznan, Poland. Its main idea is to create sustainable and efficient ecosystem for growth and development of social enterprises and cooperatives in Poland. It embraces about 30 people working in two locations – Poznan and Konin. We are implementing socially responsible activities in the area of social policy and on the labour market for people in danger of marginalization due to their social background, age, gender or disability. The Association’s activity is a response to the shortcomings, that we see in the system of social activation and labour market re-entry programs for people in danger of marginalization on labour market due to their gender, social background, age or disability. We provide help in setting up social enterprises and social economy entities, complying with the law formalities as well as creating adequate conditions for running the business.

The Association is well known and respected organization in the Polish social economy sector (nearly 200 social enterprises were founded by ourselves, and nearly 400 got our support). It has a strong cooperation with wide range of local authorities that are acting in the social affairs and employment areas.


  1. action to develop tools for the development of social cooperatives
  2. implementation of solutions to support social cooperatives
  3. promotion of good cooperative practices
  4. activities for networking of local environments taking into account the interests of social cooperatives
  5. commitment to the circular economy



  1. social entrepreneurship
  2. social and vocational integration
  3. cooperation with self-government units
  4. social innovations
  5. education

Association for Social Cooperatives

Poznan, Poland

E-mail: biuro@spoldzielnie.org

Website: spoldzielnie.org