CG Scop is the French General Confederation of Producers’ Cooperatives. It represents 2,200 Scop and Scic cooperative enterprises employing 45,000 people in every sector, including services, construction, industry, and business. Of these cooperatives, 70% are new creations, 10% takeovers, and 20% transformations and transfers of thriving enterprises to employees.


Networking. On a basis of free adhesion, the Confederation joins together SCOPs functioning according to co-operative principles established by the law. Its publications and its many exchange structures support communication among its members and take part in animating the network.

Representation. The Confederation, recognised by the Authorities as the only representative body of SCOPs, frequently takes part in the elaboration process of legislative texts involving directly or indirectly the SCOP Movement by defending its point of view. Its representatives are members of the Higher Council of Co-operation and of the Economic and Social Council. CG SCOP lobbies the European Institutions (European Commission, European Parliament) and the inter cooperatives authorities.

Support to internal and external development. Vector of solidarity among SCOPs, the Confederation provides a coherent support to SCOPs (financial tools, training, consultancy, etc.) in connection with its twelve regional Unions and its three professional federations (Building and public works, Communication, Manufacturing, metallurgy and technologies).

Rue Jean Leclaire 37,
75017, Paris, France
TEL: +33 (0) 1 44 85 47 00