The association “Eurocontact” was founded in 2007 in Krusevac, Republic of Serbia.

Eurocontact’s vision is democratic, decentralized, economically developed Serbia, fully integrated with its European environment, on the basis of equality and uniqueness.

Eurocontact’s mission is to provide support to the process of European integration and the application of European standards in all areas of social life at the national, regional and local level in Serbia.

During its work so far, Eurocontact has created and implemented a large number of development projects in which it dealt with topics such as strengthening intersectoral cooperation, strengthening civil society, social protection, social entrepreneurship and others.


The objectives of the Association, among others, are raising the capacity of the communities, institutions and individuals in order to adopt and apply European standards in all areas, implementation and promotion of economic and political decentralization and balanced regional development and promotion of public-private partnership and socially responsible business.


Eurocontact has been dealing with the topic of social entrepreneurship from 2017. Eirocontact believe that this innovative business model can significantly help in overcoming the problems in Serbian society, especially when it comes to socially vulnerable population groups. Eurocontact work on the creation of a stimulating environment for the development of social entrepreneurship at the local level. Eurocontact launched in December 2022 the Center for Social Entrepreneurship in Kruševac as an innovative mechanism for supporting social entrepreneurs in Serbia. Currently, Eurocontact is working on connecting social entrepreneurs with potential buyers of products and services from the public and business sectors.


Svetog Save 12, Krusevac, Republic of Serbia ,