Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione– FTC (Federation of Cooperation in Trentino) is an umbrella organization representing the cooperative system in the province of Trento, Italy. The mission of FTC is to contribute to the social and economic improvement of people, communities and their territories, through the coordinated development of cooperative culture and entrepreneurship. Founded back in 1895, FTC brings together almost 450 co-operative enterprises and it counts 290.000 cooperative members (half of the inhabitants of the overall Province). The widespread presence of cooperative enterprises throughout the province makes Trentino a cooperative district with few analogies around the world, whose features have been assessed by the OECD.


As a whole, FTC and its members are actively engaged in generating social and environmental benefits within the region working in close collaboration with the local, provincial and regional public bodies and key private entities on the territory.


FTC provides assistance, consulting, supervision, political representation and auditing services to its members which are organized into 5 main sectors: agriculture, retail, credit, labour & services and social & housing. FTC has 160 staff with a wide range of expertise in social reporting, inter-cooperative projects, cooperative training, research and studies on social enterprises, along with international initiatives and European projects.

Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione

Address: Via Segantini, 10

Tel.: 0039 0461898111

E-mail: ftoop@ftcoop.it

Website: www.cooperazionetrentina.it

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/CooperTrentina

Linkedin: Cooperazione Trentina | LinkedIn