The Barberini Foundation is a place of historical, economic and social research on the importance of the cooperative form of enterprise in the development and evolution of contemporary societies. To this end, the Foundation favours relations with the most advanced expressions of the national and international scientific world. The members of the Foundation (about 60) represent the primary cooperatives in the Italian territory.


    • Highlight the potential of cooperation as an instrument of social aggregation;

    • Relaunch the identity of cooperation in a perspective of European and international comparison;

    • Ensure research on the most relevant issues for the development of cooperative enterprises.


  • The Foundation takes care of the collection and cataloguing of documentary material; promotes and carries out historical, political and socio-economic research; spreads cooperative culture for schools, universities, and cultural institutions; publics monographic books, documents, and periodicals. It organizes conferences, debates, and internships.


Fondazione Barberini

Bologna, Italy

