Lithuanian Social Business Association (LiSBA) is a national umbrella organization uniting social enterprise organizations. It was established in 2018 to create an environment favourable for social business, increase the awareness of social business and promote the implementation of international best practices. This is achieved through advocacy, capacity building and ecosystem development activities.

LiSBA represents the interests of social enterprises in state and municipal institutions, evaluates programs and measures implemented by state institutions, contributes to the formulation of public policy and makes specific proposals to municipal institutions regarding the involvement in the decision-making processes.


    • actively participate in the formation and implementation of social business development policy in Lithuania,
    • strengthen the capacity and competencies of organizations working in the field of social business,
    • represent its members in public institutions,
    • form public opinion about social business by organizing public information and education campaigns,
    • establish and maintain international cooperation in sharing best practices.

    Lithuanian Social Business Association

    Vilnius, Lithuania

