Established in 1982, the Development Alternatives Group is dedicated to bringing about a systemic balance among the basic prerequisites of sustainable development – social equity, environmental quality, and economic efficiency. The Development Alternatives Group is a unique collaboration of organizations with not-for-profit research and charity objectives and social enterprise ambitions. The Development Alternatives Group comprises the Society for Development Alternatives (DA) – the parent organization and founder member of Society for Technology and Action for Rural Advancement (TARA) – the social enterprise incubator of the DA Group, and its affiliate social enterprises that are committed to accelerated impact in the areas of entrepreneurship and job creation.

With the capacity to work at local, sub-national, national and global levels, the DA Group designs systemic solutions to global poverty and environmental challenges, and implements them at the local level, through multi-stakeholder partnerships  across India, south and south-east Asia and Africa. For the last 40 years, we have designed, delivered, and  promoted scalable solutions that enable better lives and resilient economies for everyone, especially the vulnerable communities, women, farmers, and youth. Our approach to achieve this vision is through Innovation, Incubation, Implementation and Influence to create large scale impact.


  • Empowering communities through strengthening people’s institutions and facilitating their access to basic needs
  • Enabling economic opportunities through skill development for green jobs and enterprise creation
  • Promoting low carbon pathways for development through natural resource management models and clean technology solutions.


    • Livelihood Security and Inclusive Entrepreneurship to empower and connect people in rural and underserved areas with opportunities to build economic independence and overcome poverty through innovative business models and enterprise solutions.
    • Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy to accelerate the transition to inclusive and circular models of production and consumption by reducing carbon and material footprints across the lifecycle of economic activity, while promoting local value and wealth creation
    • Climate Resilience and Ecosystem Restoration to restore degraded ecosystems through policies and frameworks that integrates livelihoods and sustainable agriculture models.

Society for Development Alternatives (DA)

B-32, Tara Crescent, Block B, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi, India- 110016