We are thrilled to announce the launch of our EU-wide project on how to use EU Public Procurement to achieve social goals. This is called Socially Responsible Public Procurement.

This project is a Service Contract for the EU DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, and managed by European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Working on behalf of the European Commission, the initiative is coordinated by AEIDL-European association for innovation in local development, in collaboration with DIESIS NEtwork, ICLEI Europe, REVES-European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social Econom, and many multipliers to:

  • Increase public buyers’ awareness of the benefits of socially responsible public procurement. hashtag#publicauthorities.
  • Strengthen the capacity of social economy enterprises to participate in public procurement processes. hashtag#socent

Training will be delivered in 12 EU Member States, and an awareness-raising campaign will soon be launched in all 27. There will be many ways for external actors to get involved, as we strive to make a positive impact through hashtag EU Public Procurement.
In the framework of this project we are gathering information on communication tools, platforms, practices and trends across the EU.
We welcome contributions from:

⦁ Public authorities aware of the power of public procurement to achieve social goals
⦁ Social economy enterprises ready to participate in public procurement hashtag#socent
⦁ Other actors in the public sector, the hashtag#socialeconomy, and from legal experts


Your input is crucial in shaping the forthcoming communication campaign for this impactful endeavour!