Diesis Participates in Policy Action Lab Event to Foster Rural Development in Europe

We were thrilled to participate in the Policy Action Lab event held in Brussels on June 29, 2023. This event served as a crucial platform to address the challenges faced by depopulated rural areas in Europe and explore policies and actions that could revive these regions.

The Policy Action Lab event witnessed the successful launch of the rural revitalisation platform by the European Commission. This comprehensive platform acts as a one-stop-shop, enabling rural communities, project holders, and local authorities to connect, collaborate, and share information. The aim is to empower stakeholders and encourage collective efforts towards the revitalization of Europe’s rural areas.

Diesis takes great pride in its involvement in this significant event and remains dedicated to supporting rural revitalization efforts. Through collaborative work and targeted policies, Diesis believes in creating stronger, more interconnected, resilient, and prosperous rural areas by 2040.

As Diesis continues its contributions to the revitalization of Europe’s rural regions, stay tuned for further updates. Explore the rural revitalisation platform and be part of the movement to foster rural development.

Let’s work together to build thriving rural communities for a sustainable future.