Building a European Network of Incubators for Social Innovation (2013-2016)
The BENISI project aimed to build a Europe-wide network of networks of incubators or social innovation. The network identified more than 300 social innovations with high potential for scaling successfully in the public, private, third, social enterprise and cooperative sectors, and ensured them the delivery of necessary support services for scaling.
The project, led by I-propeller, was carried out by a partnership involving Diesis, several Impact Hubs (Milan, Vienna, Amsterdam, Bucharest, London, Stockholm), the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA), Cariplo Foundation and the European Network of Foundations of Social Economy (PEFONDES).
Diesis led the Work Package 5 on scaling-up strategies, and contributed to the publication of a practical guide for social innovation stakeholders:
BENISI has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n°604868.