Buying for Social Impact


Buying for Social Impact (BSI) was a project commissioned by DG GROW and EASME to promote the use of social considerations in public procurement procedures.  

The project had two main objectives: 

  • To encourage contracting authorities to use public procurement to pursue social goals; 
  • To Increase the capacity of social economy enterprises to take part in public procurement procedures and to access new markets. 


  • Awareness raising and training events in 15 EU countries (Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden). 
  • A EU publication gathering 22 examples of good practice from 12 EU Member States. 


Download the “Buying for Social Impact: Good practice from around the EU


For more information, please visit: 


Funded by the COSME Programme of the European Union