Companies in Europe associated to end gender based violence (2017-2019)

The CEASE project aimed to create an additional front line in the battle against intimate violence, integrating the companies as new actor, with an important capacity to multiply the effects of the actions, thanks to their significant leadership in our society and their large mobilization capacity. 

Main objective was to make sure that women who have suffered from violence can work in the best conditions, to reinstate women victims of violence in the work life and to form companies in order to help them through this process. 

Objectives were to: 

  • Create the first European Corporate Network of organizations involved to cease domestic violence 
  • Build and facilitate a training module for companies’ HR and managers 
  • Define a European Impact map presenting local, national and international organizations supporting victims 
  • Raise awareness on this subject and disseminate the project’s achievements at a European scale 

For more information, please visit: 


This project is co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union