Cluster Services
Diesis is running projects and activities that are supporting the emergence of new local clusters for innovation promoting the “Clusterisation” of proximity and Social Economy organizations and the development of the existing clusters in different environments and regions in the world (Mediterranean, the Western Balkans and MENA regions). Diesis also encourages its members acting as clusters, or engaged in clusters, to register to the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP).
Diesis promotes collaborations and networking between and among clusters and regional stakeholders for the industrial development and the eco-social innovation of the regions, supporting them to play an active role in regional economies as drivers for economic transition. Moreover, through its projects, Diesis boosts its cluster members by providing support services, mainly competence mapping services, peer learning and review, fund raising and cross-sectorial networking.
Diesis members registered on the ECCP platform are:
- CEDRA Split – Cluster for Eco Social Innovation and Development.
- ADV Romania – Alaturi de Voi Romania Foundation – Accelerator of Social Enterprises Cluster.
- Consorzio Nazionale Idee In Rete – Social Economy and Innovation cluster.
- GOEL Cooperative Group (through Consorzio CGM, one of the founders of Diesis).