The D&I@JOBS project aims to gather and exchange job carving/crafting knowledge and practices as a work (re)integration approach, to support the inclusion of vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities, long term unemployed, NEETs, and migrants, via strengthening their employment pathways and build the capacity of enterprises to serve as exemplary inclusive employers.
Specific objetives:
• Transfer EU job carving/crafting knowledge as a work (re)integration approach;
• Support the inclusion of vulnerable groups via strengthening their employment pathways;
• Capacitate enterprises to serving as exemplary inclusive employers;
• Enable mutual learning on new approaches that support inclusion and diversity in employment.
Expected results:
(i)Companies employing vulnerable groups by adopting job carving/crafting mentoring;
(ii)Vulnerable people with improved skills for employability;
(iii) Adult training programmes better aligned to the needs of and opportunities offered by employers.