Soft DIGITal Skills building for TCN women (2022-2024)

DIGITS is an Erasmus+ funded project implemented by partners in Poland, Greece, Romania, Belgium, Austria, and Germany. The project aims to improve the digital inclusion of third-country national (TCN) women through practical tools and tailored educational interventions that will contribute to a better quality of life for them.


  • Improve the digital inclusion of migrant/refugee women in EU through practical tools and tailored educational interventions to secure a better quality of life for them.
  • Improve national and transnational understanding of the digital inclusion needs of migrant/refugee women in the EU.
  • Develop practical tools and collect useful resources in terms of digital inclusion of women with migrant–refugee backgrounds.
  • Improve the capacity of professionals and stakeholders that have direct access to migrant/refugee women on how to develop their digital skills and ultimately empower them.
  • Increase awareness among professionals, relevant stakeholders and the public regarding the digital inclusion needs of TCN women.


Website will be available soon.


This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.