
Promoting social entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean region (2018-2022)

The MedUp! project aims to increase economic inclusiveness and employment supporting Social Enterprises at micro, meso and macro levels in MENA countries, including Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Occupied Palestinian Territories. The 4 years’ project is co-financed by #EuropeAid and will implement advocacy for adequate policies on social entrepreneurship, public-private dialogue, exchanges of practices and high-quality services for social enterprises. 

The project has: 

  • a global objective: to promote an enabling environment in the Southern Mediterranean partner countries for the development of the social entrepreneurship sector as a driver for inclusive growth and job creation. 
  • a specific objective: to increase economic inclusiveness and employment in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine where adequate policies on social entrepreneurship are in place, public-private dialogue and exchanges of practices are promoted and high-quality services for social enterprises are provided. 

For more information, please visit: