Mapping European Social Market Economy: Review on social dialogue, labour market and employment (2013)

The Communication on the Social Business Initiative is one of the twelve priority actions in the Single Market Reform. Social business and social enterprises appear as relevant drivers of European economic and social growth in order to sustain the smart, sustainable and inclusive economy fostered by the European Union in the 2020 Agenda. 

Starting from these considerations, MESMER project intended to give answers to the need of increasing knowledge on social business and social economy as the engines for a new way of conducting business in the European Union. 

MESMER aimed at developing a research activity in order to explore the diversified reality of social businesses and social economy under different angles and to gain an in depth, multifaceted and yet integrated knowledge. The project focused on the dimensions of business models, social dialogue, governance aspects, labour and employment conditions and impact on local communities. 

The MESMER research did not aim at being extensive, but rather at collecting significant information referring to the legislative framework, social dialogue developments and good practices, able to provide useful indications to policy makers. 

Download the final report here. 

This project has received funding from the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion