Partnership for non-formal Education to Adults in pursuit of the peaceful Community Empowerment (2023-2024)

The P-E-A-C-E’22 project aims at empowering Lithuanian and European organisations working with migrants to build their capacity to promote social inclusion and integration in the labour market, by facilitating inter-community dialogue and ensuring upskilling of the participants. The project will create an international share of knowledge, best practices and educational tools. In the long-term it will create strategies, deploying the methodologies and tools of the social economy to create peaceful societies.


  • Increased number of skilled employees in community-based organisations to implement practices that help the integration of migrants into the receiving community;
  • improved knowledge of community-based organisations based on the transnational knowledge exchange (Peer learning);
  • enlarged network of the community-based organisations to seek future collaborations;
  • improved understanding and awareness of the general public on how Social Economy provides tools for peace-building;
  • In the long-term, the project supports the improvement of current social enterprises’ practices and the creation of new social enterprises with the purpose of creating new employment and inclusion opportunities, especially for vulnerable groups such as children, women, and people with disabilities, while promoting a culture of peace by facilitating long-lasting dialogue between the receiving community and migrants, built on the multiplication of shared expertise from our European experiences

Download the info card.

Download the PEACE 22 research report “Social Economy contribution to peaceful societies: social and economic inlcusion of refugees as a response to crises”

Download the Agenda of the PEACE 22 Public Event

Download the PEACE’22 Handbook

This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.