In favour of employee financial participation (2015-2017)

In line with previous well-received actions co-financed by the European Commission, the ProEFP4 project aimed to explore how employee participation and collective bargaining support each other in revitalising the nexus between statutory rules and collectively agreed rules to boost employee participation in European companies. It did this by going through the EU acquis in the field of information, consultation and participation rights of employees, and exploring how changes in national collective bargaining systems have impacted on the correct implementation of these rights at national and European levels. The focus was therefore on the legal tools, which establish a clear connection between collective bargaining and information, consultation and participation rights. The benchmark of the analysis was the commerce and service sectors. Thus, the research methodology focused on how the policy option may be of use in concrete terms and on common European trends and challenges in the economic and social field in order to make employee involvement a point of strength for Europe’s SMEs according to the objectives set in the Europe 2020 Strategy.


Read the ProEFP4 report