
Creating alternative integration paths for third-country nationals by cultivating creative expression (2021-2023) 

The IN-Create project aims to address the basic needs and challenges of promoting the successful integration of TCNs within the EU and cultivate creative expression as means to promote their social inclusion and community cohesion. Implemented in 6 countries (Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, Belgium, UK, and Turkey) the project will involve at least 60 TCNs and 60 educators, professionals and volunteers working with TCN. In-Create will focus on developing and applying pioneer methodologies on various alternative ways of expression, such as Visual Art, literature, theatre, creative writing, film, and photography.   


  • Exploring the role of culture and arts in TCNs’ integration;  
  • Design and implementation of a capacity-building programme for professionals on how to use and exploit arts as a way of creative expression for TCNs;  
  • Implementating the Creativity Labs where trained professionals and educators will apply in practice the capacity-building methodology in their work with TCNs; 

Download the project Infocard

Download the Transnational Report

Download the Belgium National Report / FR version

Download the IO1 Info card / IO1 Press release

Download the IO2 Info card / IO2 Press release

Download the IO3 Info card


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